Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Assignment #1 First Week

        The past week in Dr. Preston's class was easily doable if you're familiar with technology and creating a blog,but for students like myself who never really use the Internet/technology it was challenging. Throughout the week Dr. Preston would help us understand how to create a blog as well as how to use it. I felt strong in the memorizing category. Memorizing the poem "Richard Cory", by Edwin Arlington Robinson, in my opinion was a very simple task. The poem can easily be memorized in five minutes. Edwin Arlington Robinson describes Richard Cory as APOTHEOSIS.in other words he was known as a person of perfection, but in reality he was a character who suffered internally. Kind of like the time when I thought a piece of jewelry was really nice because it was expensive but soon after I bought it I discovered that it was a cheap BUABLE.
       A challenge for me was when Dr. Preston ADUMBRATELY desscribed the course of English 3A to the class. Although the class will be very challenging, if I'm ASCETIC with my work I should be able to overcome these challenges with no problems. My strategy has never been to be BEGUILE, I like to get credit for my true work and effort. In this class I plan to BURGEON on my vocabulary. In the form of learning a teacher is a complement to students. If Dr. Preston wants to teach the class in a different method I can't be CONTUMACIOUS to the method just because it's different than the times I was taught before. Hopefully this class will help me become a better person and not a CURMUDGEON person. All I ask from Dr. Preston is to be DIDACTIC when When presenting us with new lessons/teachings.


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